CST 300 - Week 2

Part 1 - Learning Strategy
3 Strengths of Studying:
I am usually a great test taker (as long as I've kept up with the class), I typically don't get nervous before a test. 
I always block out time for assignments, and try to start big projects as early as I can. 
When I am confident in a class, I can study very effectively for extended periods of time. As long as I feel like I have a good foundational understanding of a subject, my study habits so far have served me well. I would like to work on improving my study skills for those classes I'm not that confident in.

3 Weak Points of Studying:
Note-taking during lectures has always been a struggle for me. Trying to capture was a professor is saying and put it down onto paper has been a distraction in itself. Going forward, I will try to utilize the SQ3R method for taking notes, so I can hopefully take more personalized notes without losing track of the lecture. (Taking courses where I can pause lectures will definitely help, as well)

I tend to waste time while I study, or block off too long of a session without giving myself a break. So, using the tips of planning out a study session ahead of time, taking a short break every 30-40 minutes, and not wasting time at the start of a study session will help me in these upcoming courses. 

Time management!!! What usually stops me from sticking to a schedule is not effectively planning out my "off" time. I can typically plan out times to study and stick with them. But, because I don't plan out what I will do once I am not in school/study mode, my everyday life activities start to get unorganized, pushed back, and eventually interfere with my assignments and class schedule. I also fail to plan out the more mundane aspects of my schedule like meal planning, transportation, and a full night's sleep. 

Part 2 - Activity Log

Part 3 - Project Management
The 3 videos discussed 3 different introductory concepts of project management. The first video outlined the difference between projects and operations. A project is temporary, and sets out to create a unique, usually singular product. While the goal of an operation is to start a cycle that can repetitively create a similar product with each iteration. The second and third video were more similar, as they both described models for planning a project. The second video defined a Work Breakdown Structure as a hierarchy model that plans out the steps needed in a project to produce a final deliverable. The final video illustrated how a Gantt chart breaks down each and every step before a project is complete. The Gantt chart also shows which steps are pre-requisites for other steps later in the project and has an element that estimates the time each step should take based on an optimistic, realistic, and pessimistic time estimate. 

Part 4 - Previous Capstone Presentations
"Musician's Site" (2018 Spring Capstone Festival) - The website was clean, functional, and had a defined style that the client requested. The presentation was to the point and clearly spoken. It made the idea of a capstone project less mysterious because making a website for a client is a very practical, but potentially rewarding project that can realistically be completed in the span of 8 weeks.
"Health Campus Network" -  I knew what this program was only because I attended UCSC. The introduction of the program was not very clear. The visual part of the presentation was very engaging and showed off the final design work in a pleasing way. Its impressive that the team was able to have the designs made, printed, and displayed on campus in the 7 weeks before the presentation.
"Atomic 1800" - All aspects of this presentation worked together to create the very clear image of the work that the team accomplished. While I'm sure its a common practice, the idea of a branding guide for the client to stick to seems vital to the future success of your product. Especially if your client is not confident in their ability to sustain the image or designs you offer them after the project is over. 

Part 5 - Weekly Learning Journal 
Week 2 has gone by smoothly. I've noticed my study habits are quickly getting better and I hope to keep it that way. The Industry Analysis draft took a few more hours than I was expecting. This was mostly due to not estimating how long research should take. My plan was to see what research, news, or statistics were available and then build my paper around that. In the future, I can have a better plan of what sort of research I need to back up my points or give myself the extra time I need to gather information, plan out my paper with better detail, and then start writing; instead of doing all three at once in a step called "writing my paper".
This paper was particularly insightful in to the many different career options software development can offer. Having to stick with a decision go in depth into one company made me notice things about working for a company that I didn't previously consider. While it wouldn't be the end of the world, I would prefer to spend my career at companies that I feel are doing some kind of good in the world, or at least providing a product or service I can be proud of.
I've learned a lot about practicing better study habits and planning out my time effectively. If I can keep up the study patters I've started in this course, I'm confident it will help me tremendously throughout the program.  


  1. Your time management schedule and mine are fairly similar, a structured, planned out day. Although planning the off time is something I am sure everyone can always improve on, as not having a plan of action is a sure way to lack productivity.

    I have had a few instructors mention that note-taking is actually a distraction to lecture. I would recommend taking notes from the text beforehand and having them ready for lecture. This will aid in bettering your memory and coming prepared for that class session.


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