CST 363 - Week 4


Most of my time in class this week was spent re-reading the material and working on the exam. I've continued to realise that I underestimated how difficult SQL can be. I assumed that since there was only a handful of commands, it would be easier than an Object-Oriented language. However, there are so many different ways you can use the tools provided by SQL, you can even make the same query using completely different methods. I think that led me to overthink some problems on the exam or homework. There have been times when I have tried a overly-complicated, multi-table solution when I just forgot about a simpler method from a previous week.

Project 1 Part 2 - Reservation System

I'm still having a bit of trouble understanding the more theoretical aspect of what we're doing in class. Again, not sure if I'm just overthinking things. I'm following along in the reading, however, the difference between OLTP and OLAP databases still aren't apparent in the smaller projects and problems that we are working on. Its probably still due to inexperience, but all databases still pretty much look the same to me. 
I'm happy with how our reservation system turned out. It feels like a really simple tool that can be applied to a lot of different applications.


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