CST 325 - Week 3

Using Matrices in Graphics Programming

So far, *fingers crossed*, I have done much better in this course than I expected. I attempted this class once before at a different university and was not able to see it through to the end. This time, however, I feel like I am grasping the concepts and understanding the work that I am doing. At the pace of these course, the weekly projects sometimes feel like I'm working without being able to see the final product in my head. But in this course, having either a visual benchmark to meet or specific calculations to measure really helps me plan out what I'm doing while also allowing me to see what each component and step of the programs actually do to the final product.

It has also been very refreshing to get back into a class that requires algebra and trig. Mixing programming and math makes things click in a way for me that it often times does not when I am working on projects for other classes.

This assignment went very smoothly, the only thing I have not quite gotten right is the inverse. My final inverse matrix very closely resembles the excepted result, but the values of a few components are off. I noticed that a lot of this assignment could be solved by "hard-coding" a lot the calculations, so I'm not sure if I was working too hard on some of these steps by trying to automate it, since they would still only work for 3x3 matrices (as opposed to a program that could calculate the same thing with nxn matrices)


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