CST 499 - Week 2

Capstone - Progress Update

Last week, we chose our framework for our capstone project. We will be building a local node application that connects to a React.js front end through a library called Electron. React is typically used for web applications, but Electron will use the html/css styling provided by react as the UI for the local application. 

Most of my time this week was spent trying to figure out how to update the UI using the framework we were provided. After that, I started running a separate node server to begin the encryption implementation. 

Effective Meetings

We did not have many items to start our meeting this week. We began this week by choosing a few features to try and implement and see what we were able to finish by the end of the week. Most of our meeting was spent going over the best way to add to our framework. This involved discussing the differences between TypeScript and JavaScript. We were then troubleshooting and adding to the utility that scans our file system. Next will be the implementation of the chunking, compression, encryption of our files. The S3 connector was also implemented this week. 


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