CST 205 - Week 2

Lab 4

Lab 4 was a fun way to continue our practice with manipulating images. It had us add multiple "mirroring" effects to images using JES. A lot of these were accomplished in similar ways but it was fun to see how you could subtly change one function to get a equally impressive result. There was a vertical and horizontal mirror. As well, as a mirror that flipped every other quadrant to the image comprised of the pixels in the first quadrant, making a sort of "kaliedescope" effect. After this lab, I am starting to feel more comfortable with programming again.

Lab 5

Lab 5 was a more difficult individual lab that I think I might have made harder than it should have been. This involved using all of the previous filters and effects and creating an image comprised of 8 images made with your previous effects. I decided to make a dynamic "collage" function that not only can take in as many images as you give it, will take in an argument to add an effect onto that image, as well as place it on a given x, y position. After submitting I realized it would have been much easier to find and edit images that fit together and hard-code positions and effects so it produces the same image every time. While I am still happy with a more tecnhical project, it took a lot of unnecessary time to test and tweak to get an image that was not as good-looking.

Lab 6

Lab 6 was a team project where we attempted to make more advanced image manipulation effects. Our warm-up was to replace the red-eye in a photograph with a more natural eye color. We ended up spending a lot of time with finding the right image and tweaking our thresholds until we were happy with the effect.
After that we worked on three filter effects. "Better Black and White" was an improvement on the Black and White filter we made the previous week, but one that gives a more natural monocrhomeeffect suited to the human eye. We also made a common Sepia and "Artify" filter that scanned the image and changed RGB values based on equations given to us.
The most difficult, but satisfying part of the assignment was the chromaKey or "Green-Screen" function. This function is accomplished by scanning two images and replacing any pixel in one image that exceeds a threshold of a certain amount of "green" and replaces it with the color of the pixel in the other image at a given x, y. It gives an impressive, almost exaclt overlay of the two images with the green in one completely replaced with pixels from the other image.


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