CST 205 - Week 4


This was a busy week as both parts of our team were working on finishing our midterm while also completing labs. Our midterm turned out well. Tayler and I decided on a "Googly-Eye" filter as our personal choice, and a double-exposure filter as our CSUMB-erize filter. I chose to tackle more of the CSUMB filter. I used the green-screen function from previous labs to overlay an image of the CSUMB mascot onto a portrait. Afterwards, I altered the green-screen function to "halfway" overlay a Monterey Coast background image onto the previous image, creating a double-exposure effect. I then ran that final image through a CSUMB Blue Filter.

Lab 8, 9 & 10 - Sounds and Strings

Labs 8 and 9 were an introduction to using sound in JES. Lab 8 was simple and had us change the Volume, get Sample rates and values, and just learn how to use the built-in functions that JES has. Lab 9 had us actually use those functions to clip two sounds together, and reverse a clip. I was able to clip sounds together once I figured out how to find and change the sample rates of mismatched audio clips. Reversing the sound was accomplished by taking the index of each sample and placing the value at it's inverse location.
The biggest problem I ran into was adding silence in between clips. Whatever method I was trying didn't seem to work because it would only add that amount of silence to the end of my combined clips. I went to other student's demo videos to see what I was doing wrong after i submitted my assignment, though.


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