CST 338 - Final Week


All in all, I very much enjoyed taking this course. Life got in the way during weeks 5 and 6, so I struggled through those weeks a little bit. Like any of the courses in this program, the best piece of advice I can give is not to let any week slip by. Since assignments in this class build on each other, missing one week will put you doubly behind.

While it was difficult to get working, the card game was great practice in working on larger programs. I learned a lot from how the rest of my team organized their sections of group assignmnets. I imagine this is a very important part of working on a professional team. So while I wasn't very happy with how I did in the class, I still got a lot out of it in the end.

I had the most fun with the work this week. I had already taken a class in Android so it reminded me how cool it is to be able to get an interactive GUI up and running right away. Its why I chose it for my final project. I'm also pretty happy with how my final project turned out.


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