CST361S - Week 2

Week 2

After this week I've completed about 9 hours of work at my site. This week was spent researching hardware and software solutions for my site. The two main workstations that my site uses are in dire need of improvements. The Director does the vast majority of work for the museum from home because the computers are too slow to get any work done for the 3 hours a day she can spend onsite. Aside from purchasing completely new machines, the most viable options are purchasing new harddrives and expanded memory. I also installed free clean-up and anti-virus software along with a free substitute for Adobe Photoshop while giving the Director detailed steps on what I was doing. Next week, I hope to show the Director and at least one other volunteer how to do theirnormal graphic design work for their advertisements.

There is a new exhibit premiering this week at the museum which should provide some great pictures.


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