CST 300 - Week 6

Capstone Ideas

    Our team briefly discussed capstone ideas we were interested in pursuing. Out of the ideas that were mentioned, we discussed an API for a fantasy football league, productivity software, a school-wide gradebook application, and a smartphone edutainment app. These were all interesting ideas that I never previously considered and would have absolutely no idea where to start with any of them besides a game application.
     I was pleasantly surprised to find out there was an app close to an idea I had last week for my capstone. While not explicitly educational, there is a free quiz app that lets users write down questions and send them to a group of other users in the room. The other users then compete to answer the questions that are sent. Similar to the popular "Jack's" line of party games for smartphones and consoles. Seeing this as a proof-of-concept still leads me to believe this idea would be very effective as an engaging classroom tool. 

Weekly Learning Journal 

     This was a very difficult week. Most of my time this week was spent finishing one job, moving houses, fixing up my new house, finding and starting a new job, and trying to fit in all of my assignments during any downtime. Because of this I feel that the quality of my rough draft for the Ethics paper suffered. I still managed to write the level of detail about the topic I wanted, but I still had an issue with relating the topic to two different Ethical frameworks. The relation feels very obvious to me, so hopefully, it came out in my writing. But I know with more time and a better analysis of the outline/specifications I could have structured my paper in a more logical way. It feels very much like it doesn't flow between ideas well, so there will be a lot of revision work to do.
For this paper more than the last, I really would have appreciated an example paper. It was very difficult to follow the outline while planning my paper for some reason. I kept feeling like I was reintroducing my two topics without furthering either side's argument any.

Here's to starting the final project and lots of revision.
"Writing is 10% coming up with something to say, 90%  rewriting what you have to say." - My 9th grade English teacher.


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