CST 300 - Week 7

Project Planning

     I feel my team has worked together very efficiently from week 0 of this class. Once the Slack channel was created we've done most of our communication there. This has allowed us to reach any member at any reasonable time. We have also made use of the Team Drive feature on Google Drive for any collaborative documents and meeting agendas. This has allowed us to never have a hitch in communication, where a project was held back or put on pause because we were unable to reach any one team member. The advice and constructive criticism provided by my team has also been helpful through this entire class. It does not feel like an uncomfortable environment to ask for help in. I think this was a very important precedent to set for upcoming classes. I have worked on more competitive teams in the past that gave the impression that you were holding back the entire team if you didn't fully understand the material and had to ask a question. My team will hopefully make the process of finishing the program easier for everyone.

Weekly Learning Journal 

     For the Ted.com review I watched a talk entitled "The Era of Blind Faith in Big Data Must End". This video argued the harmful effects that an over-reliance on data driven algorithms can have. Especially once those algorithms are used for things that can affect people's lives for years after the decision is made. Algorithms are ineffectively used to determine outcomes related to prison sentencing, layoffs, job and loan applications. These are decisions that can severely harm or hold back people who don't neatly fit in to the algorithm's design, even if they would be otherwise qualified for a different decision.  These algorithms do not appear fully formed and completely objective; they are designed by humans who are not that much more qualified than the average person they are making decisions for.


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